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  1. Hylenz

    SOLVED Exchange Bug

    Hello, If you want to exchange Gold armor to NPC you will have an error message as result screnn next:
  2. Hylenz


    I was thinking put traps / tower on spawn like using scroll and be killed by acc tower in VC is ILLEGAL ???? What do you think about ?
  3. Hylenz


    As you can see on Bell side, like many times PronQueen register for RL spot. Like he said him self, he is not playing and we didn t saw him since 1 monnt on Bell side. And more funny he register also Scarlett is alt.... Taking by fact 2 archon spot and not playing Is it not illegal...
  4. Hylenz


    RF.bin crash after maintenance ....
  5. Hylenz


    Force Log Out/Quit - Using this kind of method to avoid getting killed, is prohibited Punishment: 1 Day Ban / 2nd Offense: 7 days ban / 3rd Offense: Permanent Ban > OK Traps & Towers - Putting Traps and Towers on Prohibited Area is Illegal, Such as BM and VC Entrance. OC Entrance. Punishment: 1...
  6. Hylenz

    Elan glitchinbg turrets... like all days

    Hello, It's so funny to see ACC using glitch @ Elan exit with turrets... Enjoy Vidéo They are not enought OP, they need to cheat .... so sad Vidéo HERE
  7. Hylenz

    May we balance the server ???

    Ici vous pouvez trouver des vidéos sur ... Est-ce normal ???? Video 1 Vidéo 2 Vidéo 3 Vidéo 4