This should'nt be a suggestion

Their choice mate. can't do anything about it.. not sure why the are angry with ACC, but it will pass, we just need players and we can kick their butts :)
You do realise that each race is losing their pop as most are bored with nothing to do Monday-Friday apart from CW and inter race EPBS. Weekends is afk GP mining till CW and EPBS. As for hating acc a few might be i don't as its only a game and a few weeks back nearly all the ACC got banned for cheating. I wasn't actually here when that happened we were on holiday that week. So ye people were quite pissed about that, ask your ex RL Matryr about the bans.

Now i'm all for all of our races growing and making something of this server, but i also think ADMIN need to give us things to do to encourage pvp in other areas too, not only at cw as a lot of players in all 3 races don't attend cw then think they can attend the pb's run. Which i think is unfair to those players who stick with it and attend cw's. As for CW from now on i don't know what is going to happen so lets just play the game and get away from the hate.
i have never used 5 accounts for CWs... And as of now from what i can tell cora no longer wants to do inter racial PB runs anymore, hence them starting the PK at the last PB spawn... Just adds more PVP...
Im may agree whit you about bells alts on chips when its easy to DPS on chip but is not a REAL problem aswell
the real problem on my opinion is about RvRvR.

Im a "new" on server and im a Cora
so some days ago ACC's asked for a RvRvR because bells&Coras always going to Acc and hit them .... so we accepted this to we got a descente PVP.
At Beggining we really got some nice CW's but now its about the same when BELLs Defending ACC chip and didnt PVP each other just to figth only against Coras.
So what the point? yday we got a fucking boring CW and becaus this today we do not got any consul or members to try to defend CCC.

if you guys really wants a PvP server need at first time act like a man and dont be like a rats.

(remembering its only my opnion and noone's needs to accept or agree whit that)
Wasn't ACC at all everyone was discussing it, as hitting one chip all the time was boring and you were one of the ones complaining about no pvp and when you got pvp you cried about. Bells wanted PVP so yes they defended ACC chip to get PVP and there was only 5 of them. They had team work going we had disarray going.

Your comment "if you guys really want PVP server need first time act like a man and don't be like rats" had made my day!!!
lol at northy

Anyway if cora had some balance and good coordination they really should be winning against bells hands down. ACC have so few numbers that there numbers are almost negligible to bother counting.