regarding special classes

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im gonna be fair here not because i'm an accretian, bells, cora, or whatsoever. we all have witness the power of special classes.
just to be straight, defo can destroy gold catapult with just 2 button. cid can kill with just 2 bullets from his MAU. and no one can kill paimon summon and also deal massive damage while it shouldnt be able to do that. i think these special classes need a rebalance here. i know grand update is waiting, i just wanna tell you people, specially the GM, after the grand update i hope all the classes is balanced. nothing like 2 button kill or something close like that. and if possible i hope the fix will come soon since the server is still going on while waiting the grand update.
i love this server and i posted this with hope that this server will grow even more.
yes i agree with this.
almost all bellato is Armor Rider, or even the other class got xclass to AR so they can use MAU for grinding, farming, and even pvp.
almost all cora is Grazier, because apparently paimon is like a perfect package with high deff and also high attack when it shouldn't have high atk, also isis is so weak
i don't know about acc population, but i can see where Defo can compound + doom a catapult gold MAU to death

this is making the population of one race is unbalanced, where the fun in playing if all bells ride MAU, all cora use paimon, all acc stand in their siege kit?

So i hope GM will fix this soon and of course for the next big update
defo at last week played as RL, maybe all too become as RL?)
and defo now not playing) and new Rl of acc - batman
Thats why so many LvL 55 Cap server Exist: RF is not balanced over lvl 55!
i know one RF is balance and the update is Age of patron where the level cap is 80. level cap is not the answer dude. its just the matter of special class and normal class gap
current mau is not op. its easy to get, but not op . i tried all 3 races special so i can tell. on 1 v 1 , mau is very bad. will never kill player 1 on 1. so for that exchange, its on on chip war. its logical. mau is imbalance in the earlier patch. not if you use new patch, you cant even level at beast mountain at level 52 . the mobs hit your goli like 4k per hit.

why its strong, there is possibilities.
1. people dont have good equipment. this is also debatable causei only deal like 5k per hit on normal player. the problem is im a strike team and level 62 mau. my mau cant go stronger than now while the players can still upgrade their equipment with talics

2. ineffective way of buff. i dont see anyone using support buf. support buff gives 20% hp pool, 40% attack and 20% def. if defo got buffed, im pretty much sure he can 1 shot CID's 69 gold mau. why CID could kill in 1 hit because he have higher level mau before the reset.

3. mau farming power is too good, its true . its damage vs mobs is too great while damage vs player is too low .

4. mau got higher cost to maintain, longer reload from dead cause need of repair,very very low movement speed, cannot see invisible players, and no bonus from buff. while animus is free to maintain. if you want mau damage as normal as infantry players, then you must be crazy as hell
current mau is not op. its easy to get, but not op . i tried all 3 races special so i can tell. on 1 v 1 , mau is very bad. will never kill player 1 on 1. so for that exchange, its on on chip war. its logical. mau is imbalance in the earlier patch. not if you use new patch, you cant even level at beast mountain at level 52 . the mobs hit your goli like 4k per hit.

why its strong, there is possibilities.
1. people dont have good equipment. this is also debatable causei only deal like 5k per hit on normal player. the problem is im a strike team and level 62 mau. my mau cant go stronger than now while the players can still upgrade their equipment with talics

2. ineffective way of buff. i dont see anyone using support buf. support buff gives 20% hp pool, 40% attack and 20% def. if defo got buffed, im pretty much sure he can 1 shot CID's 69 gold mau. why CID could kill in 1 hit because he have higher level mau before the reset.

3. mau farming power is too good, its true . its damage vs mobs is too great while damage vs player is too low .

4. mau got higher cost to maintain, longer reload from dead cause need of repair,very very low movement speed, cannot see invisible players, and no bonus from buff. while animus is free to maintain. if you want mau damage as normal as infantry players, then you must be crazy as hell
i agree with some of what you said. but one thing that become real problem is because MAU almost got full exp while the player hitting fast and safe inside. my friend tell me blue mau can 2 shot two early monsters at novajan. fast killing means fast exp, and fast exp become fast level. faster level, higher part of mau, higher part of mau is stressing for other race.
so my opinion would be to decrease the exp that can be achieved while player inside MAU. for example if youre on yor foot you get 100 point then if you kill with mau maybe you can only get 30 to 45 point.
current mau is not op. its easy to get, but not op . i tried all 3 races special so i can tell. on 1 v 1 , mau is very bad. will never kill player 1 on 1. so for that exchange, its on on chip war. its logical. mau is imbalance in the earlier patch. not if you use new patch, you cant even level at beast mountain at level 52 . the mobs hit your goli like 4k per hit.

why its strong, there is possibilities.
1. people dont have good equipment. this is also debatable causei only deal like 5k per hit on normal player. the problem is im a strike team and level 62 mau. my mau cant go stronger than now while the players can still upgrade their equipment with talics

2. ineffective way of buff. i dont see anyone using support buf. support buff gives 20% hp pool, 40% attack and 20% def. if defo got buffed, im pretty much sure he can 1 shot CID's 69 gold mau. why CID could kill in 1 hit because he have higher level mau before the reset.

3. mau farming power is too good, its true . its damage vs mobs is too great while damage vs player is too low .

4. mau got higher cost to maintain, longer reload from dead cause need of repair,very very low movement speed, cannot see invisible players, and no bonus from buff. while animus is free to maintain. if you want mau damage as normal as infantry players, then you must be crazy as hell

please read my reply here if u are willing to do it.
MAU here is making bellato exploit it, almost all of the race is filled with AR even they are pure spec or xclass. You can see that if this is what happen then there is something wrong, a good race should have balance population of class in it, it should have warrior, ranger, and mage.
while here bellato use MAU since like ABA, baba, RHS, grinding at WL, farm gp and money, and then carry on until even at war the xclass doesn't get back to original class because they feel ease with this MAU.

And about your statement, how do you want cora and acc footie stand MAU damage if they never win war? Never win war means never mine. Never mine means no talic. No talic means no upgrade.
And how do you think the losing race can fight against MAU? that easily got just from money and MAU also can gain xp.
of course mau win the cw. read my post again "on 1 v 1 mau is very bad. will never kill player 1 on 1. so for that exchange, its good on cw"

what do we want here? mau cant do 1v1 and lose cw too?
its true that mau making bellato exploit it. but we have 2 sm and a mage too.

look, im not saying that mau is too good. what im saying is other races get a good things too and its not imba. i even switch to goliath-net type cause my catapult cannot do any damage to players cause he's moving so fast. you want to try hitting those cora archer with catapult mau? try make gold mau yourself
of course mau win the cw. read my post again "on 1 v 1 mau is very bad. will never kill player 1 on 1. so for that exchange, its good on cw"

what do we want here? mau cant do 1v1 and lose cw too?
the problem is not whether you win 1v1 or you lose. its about the impact of what MAU combined with great population can do. its not a big deal if bells got 3 mau and 10 warriors or mages. but the reality is 1 party full of MAU. now i hope you being honest to us all. 1 MAU can almost shoot dead 1 character. you have like 8 man in one party then you almost shoot dead 8 character at once. but the problem is you with your 1 party is not facing 8 people. instead you just facing 4 or 6 people at best.
im not blaming MAU ability to be 1v1, but if 1 race using all mau then that would be problem. and why people tend to use MAU, because they knew MAU is OP and other class is not as good as armor rider.
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