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Cash Shop
Vote Point
Hello dear GMs

I come here to propose that you take all the work you have done and put it in the trash, you can delete everything you have created (Arms, Armor, Accessories and Mantos) since everything a player needs to do and Evolve a character pro 70 and buy a MAU , Since everything else is pure garbage.

And today I understand how your balancing system works, which has to be favorable for who is Donator, and as no ACC is Donator, then you are little caring, what matters to you is not a server Balanced and playable , But rather a server facing who pays more.

I actually saw the details of the server I found very interesting, because it is a PVP server that is not only staying logged in CW, but to stay strong I would have to work to be able to stay strong, and that's what I did, I spent more than two weeks Using it to get 4 Level 70 Accesories. And what's that for? To come a Donator, complain that it does not kill, and do multi-login, with a bunch of EVIL that barely suffer damage and do not need to fucking do anything to stay strong.

My congratulations are registered, because they were able to turn a great idea into a great piece of shit.
ты п*****ь тут истеричка про бижу ее н***я не трогали стервозная т***ь:Beach:

Эра говно акров подошла к концу маразматичная т***ь
k since this new updates in favor only for donators, then congratz heidi you own the server now, make you ACC strong and go war with your alt bellato and cora. have a nice play on empty server....
first im happy to hear no dual login again, since March (need 3 month to hear) i made complain about Dual Login, Overdamage MAGE, etc
and today already accepted (for all not only accretians).

but, now i say it again that, this update benefit only for bellato again , why ?

Since last Update MAU Deff High, we cant so easy to destroy MAU (Strike has now low damage). and now invis will be disable.

without Invis, Strike is nothing. (MAU can so easy to lock Strike, and 2 -3 hit to stike with Archon suits all +4 favor .. die, 2 -3 hit die when in Siege Mode = benefit for MAU Bellato)
again again and again , Accretians dont have benefit.

they said that dont use vamp (Vamp is included from Strike armor set, benefit for acc from standard CCR. GM only add elemental from it) and didnt work to MAU (2-3 Hit to me, down).

My gears now more useless (3 month useless to build good gears) 2 upgraded MAU (when Catapult, its ok i can understand it but its Goliath, can you imagine it bro ? ) beat me so easy (this Picture i used first inivis to destroy agains MAU with Full Attack mode) & (heidi said need 3 - 4 MAU to beat me , is bullshit ).

and how when without invis and some gears? its more crazy bro.. Accretians in bullying situations. (For MAU don't need gears, only buy it with high def and repair that's all)

i try to patient from this situation and think to find solution and answer by myself with make some test

And try to help server with promotion in my FB to another RF private group. and now Problem always come ,

when Donatur say anything, GM directly make it without consideration to another.
i understood now.

Happy for donator and not happy for free player.

Best regrets,
Have only skill
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i can see all bells and acc are complaining for op damage and op def... did you hear something from cora? did you observed tha paimon has a bigger damage than isis? nobody does.. bcoz nobody cares about cora... no wonder nobody wants to play cora.. 1 hit by a striker and 3-4 hits by mau no matter what gears we have.. and took 2 to 3 player just to kill 1 acc or mau.. why not just delete this race and make it acc vs bells wars only.. XD
hey rock lemme tell u: "money talk dude... none hear us, rock.. (shadow). "

Btw, seeing the new update, i laugh till i got dropped from my chair :)) i played in many servers, and i rarely say anything in forum coz all good. But, this is the worst handling ever..

my advice for acc players, try browsing rf online PS for options.. or go back to your DOTA or point blank.
Wait a minute, please write all update points for only donators?
  • Updating proxy servers, reduced lags/dc's.
  • Disabled dual login.
  • Fully reworked new cloaks.
  • Fully reworking new jeweleries.
  • Fully remove all stealth items (potion, cloaks and etc).
  • Some minor fixes.
Orange points are not implemented yet.
You wrote about 2-3 hits for killing acc? Really? Where is videos?

Maybe some videos fresh your memories?

they said that dont use vamp (Vamp is included from Strike armor set, benefit for acc from standard CCR. GM only add elemental from it) and didnt work to MAU (2-3 Hit to me, down).

Give me a proofs with "standart CCR" new mantles and jeweleries. This items from defcon update - not classic version game and please open up your eyes.
We added some items from defcon update, but NOTHING has been added for Animuses and MAU's from Defcon update. Is it correct? - No.

First of all i would like make some changes in this OP jeweleries and cloaks. Do you think that we will not change MAU? You're wrong.
Also we will fix some problem with animuses (low damage).
lol seing the videos :)) that striker shuld be long dead if there's no healer helped him.. :)) btw, i am glad admin still online and stay invis to watch over the game.
Wait a minute, please write all update points for only donators?
  • Updating proxy servers, reduced lags/dc's.
  • Disabled dual login.
  • Fully reworked new cloaks.
  • Fully reworking new jeweleries.
  • Fully remove all stealth items (potion, cloaks and etc).
  • Some minor fixes.
Orange points are not implemented yet.
You wrote about 2-3 hits for killing acc? Really? Where is videos?

Maybe some videos fresh your memories?

Give me a proofs with "standart CCR" new mantles and jeweleries. This items from defcon update - not classic version game and please open up your eyes.
We added some items from defcon update, but NOTHING has been added for Animuses and MAU's from Defcon update. Is it correct? - No.

First of all i would like make some changes in this OP jeweleries and cloaks. Do you think that we will not change MAU? You're wrong.
Also we will fix some problem with animuses (low damage).

Fully remove all stealth items (potion, cloaks and etc). <<<< this for Donator because without Invis, M.A.U can lock easy Strike.

Fully reworking new jeweleries. <<<<< this for Donator

I have lv 70 Elemens. GM made already DEF MAU High .. last time lv 70 elemens disable, you know what ? i hit MAU 200 300 , what a damage ?
and M.A.U hit me , Goliath (5-6k) and Catapult (6-7k),
is really balance without lv 70 elemens when i pvp with MAU ? MAU can bullying me ..

look in this Video there is a Spec make heal to Strike, HP up and down, and using Vamp, and look damage 6-7k (Catapult to Stike) strike has only HP max 19k .. thats mean 7x3 = DIE !

yeah GM made change MAU, like Def MAU high , Attack Goliath High etc..

Give me a proofs with "standart CCR" new mantles and jeweleries <<< please read again what i wrote ..

i wrote that , Armor suits of Launcher (give us 15% vamp standard CCR), and GM add elementals from it...
so, not jacket or elemental (Standard CCR).. read again

GM used my Char to make some test during im offline, i got all my gears from my work in Game

and now downgrade pvp elemens 70, what a good news yeah ..
and good news too, def MAU still high yeah .. (with pvp elemes 70 , Strike can die , and now with downgraded ? im sure its faster to die )..
i can only smile ..
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and this
  • Disabled dual login over 3 client copies (allow only run 3 additional games per pc).
Benefit for MAU ( DPS by AFK ) , for example . when 1 by 1 , to 2 by 1 etc.. when 5 vs 5 (to 10 MAU double or worse triple) in war .. is good news or bad news ?
when good news for who ?
can anyone please tell me , good news for who ?
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Funny on this vidéo we can see:
- a spec abusing cloack item > but for ACC it's normal
- 2 Catapult with MAU bless making 12k domage on 1 striker but still impossible to kill him > still normal for ACC (maybe we need 3 MAU)
- Amazing domage on ship 63k normal atk

After you complaining ????
I'm agree with one thing you spent long time upgrading your stuff. But before that you have to really start from begining, we spent 1 month with disgrace lvl3.
You had core to mine 3 times a day and ELAN PB for you more than a full month.
OK armor / elementals are hard to upgrade but you had so huge ressources... Why ? Because Striker OS all footies so Coras left et Bell same. I spent like 3 weeks alone at cw againt 5 or 6 ACC.
Now GM try to balance server to let ppl go play Cora and Bell to make server growing and the only thing you do is complaining without think 1 sec ahead....

Ask GM i you don't trust me, this morning i asked him to diminue Goliath DPS because it was to high to rebalance. It's not permanent effect, just give time to Cora and Bells to grow then we can go ahead. Stop only think for you ass and QQ about donators. When i go on forum i see many acc acount with cash shop point and i don't care.
Donator don't give you more than a normal player, just faster and why i donate ???? Because after 1 month without any ressource i had no choice if i want to survive out of MAU. And by the way i really don't care about who donate or not, all games who have cash shop system are same. Don't be jalous for nothing.
And please stop complaining for nothing, i think your striker is still very powerfull. We see that in cw all the time...
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GM: Disable dual login
Donator: No, I need dual login to play in my 3 account
GM: ok, Disabled dual login over 3 client copies
Normal Players: Nice GM, u love fck me
Funny on this vidéo we can see:
- a spec abusing cloack item > but for ACC it's normal
- 2 Catapult with MAU bless making 12k domage on 1 striker but still impossible to kill him > still normal for ACC (maybe we need 3 MAU)
- Amazing domage on ship 63k normal atk

After you complaining ????
I'm agree with one thing you spent long time upgrading your stuff. But before that you have to really start from begining, we spent 1 month with disgrace lvl3.
You had core to mine 3 times a day and ELAN PB for you more than a full month.
OK armor / elementals are hard to upgrade but you had so huge ressources... Why ? Because Striker OS all footies so Coras left et Bell same. I spent like 3 weeks alone at cw againt 5 or 6 ACC.
Now GM try to balance server to let ppl go play Cora and Bell to make server growing and the only thing you do is complaining without think 1 sec ahead....

Ask GM i you don't thrust me, this morning i asked him to diminue Goliath DPS because it was to high to rebalance. It's not permanent effect, just give time to Cora and Bells to grow then we can go ahead. Stop only think for you ass and QQ about donators. When i go on forum i see many acc acount with cash shop point and i don't care.
Donator don't give you more than a normal player, just faster and why i donate ???? Because after 1 month without any ressource i had no choice if i want to survive out of MAU. And by the way i really don't care about who donate or not, all games are sames for that. Don't be jaelous for nothing.
And please stop complain for nothing, i think your striker is still very powerfull. We see that in cw all the time...

  • we spent 1 month with disgrace lvl3 << before you come, i had worse with Zlaya , i think 1,5 Month you are still lucky (You had core to mine 3 times a day and ELAN PB for you more than a full month << Bellato have more than acc with 1,5 month)
  • like 3 weeks alone at cw againt 5 or 6 ACC. <<< Im with 3-4 acc in CW agains bellato with dual since March and now still work dual login (2 -3 MAU DPS AFK ), whos worse ?
  • When i go on forum i see many acc acount with cash shop point <<< GM made before CS with vote Server ,dude
  • i think your striker is still very powerfull ? like this ?
with this can i still alive ? (MAU has still High Def and good damage ?, ooh i think will u kill me slowly ?

for who dual login is good news ? can u tell me ?
SSSR i really have other things to do than reply each time to you camplains.
Login benefit all race, when i see like 10 acc mining in Elan with name like XXX1 XXXX2XXX3 ect ect i never complaing about this.
I'm not here to show name of acc dual or multi login but you are many like bells.
STOP always think all is bad for you. It's just amazing to think that.
About vampiric effect , you have on ele, on archon armor etc etc and without using skill you hit ship at 58-65k..... with approximatly 20-25% vamp, with rapid fire rate
Just calculate.... Stop complain sincerely.
I hope you enjoy login Chapa to perma ban my acc. Bann or not ban i can still play so you just do that to annoy ppl. That's once again a abuse .... Did i complain about ?
Did i ban you Bell ? no
you just have to think a little Mr Professor before open you mouth
Did i ban you Bell ? no
yeah, you did last time, you made ban to me , and Gandja (Ambien) voted no. its my friend. (he is good player like Zlaya and XOX. i give my respect to them),
and you said that Gandja bla bla bla... you know ? some high Archon in bellato doesnt like u, they said that u talk too much and have 0 skill. remember it

and you Heidi , maybe GM too , make my Char as Standard ACC today. you are false, why false ?

i have good gears , agains bellato upgraded MAU i have chance to die (with last PVP elemen lv 70 have chance to DIE 50%-50% 1 by 1, and now downgrade pvp elemen , chance to die higher ) and what about normal Player or lowbies (dont have good gears like me ? ) 100% DIE against MAU

you said "
About vampiric effect , you have on ele, on archon armor etc etc and without using skill you hit ship at 58-65k..... with approximatly 20-25% vamp, with rapid fire rate
Just calculate.... Stop complain sincerely "

ok , imagine ,
normal Armor rider has Upgraded MAU (has no PVP ELEMEN and not ARCHON), vs Normal Strike in SK MODE (no PVP Elemen and not ARCHON) ?
can you please tell me, who can still alive ?
when u say its 1 by 1 , MAU can win ..
ok 2 acc by 1 MAU ? or 3 acc by 1 MAU ? MAU STILL WIN .
do you think it ?
you are false bro , made me as Standard Accretians.
May I give comment??
If i see in SSSR point of view, i can see why SSSR upset bout his hardworks whole these times for nothing at this moment. Maybe not only SSSR, but also others who spent their time and energy to collect resources to get stronger. He played longer than any of us in ACC, so if he is now being the strongest in ACC, we can understand. In other side, Heidi also is the most powerfull in Bells side (zlaya also), and no one but SSSR can touch him in pvp. What he might concern perhaps how can the strongest (leader) hit the normal or avarage player (in this cas MAUs) (except Heidi ofcourse) with such a small damage, and lost battle by two MAUs easily. How can leader suppose to protect the race when he saw bunch of MAUs bullying accs in elan with goliath net and fak gangbanged them till die. As what he said in the right term was that "fighting with walking endless netting and punching great wall" or "fighting with huge monstrous gigantic walking stunning siege kit" :)) And this is what happening in real time. :))

If what you mean this is temporarily effect to give chance for other races to develop? We need statements from admin, not u. We, can also participate to help by staying inside HQ and do nothing, or stay offline instead. But the question is for how long ??? why GM didn't say it strightly ingame, or inforum?
Plz dont make things up, amigo.. :)

Dont take it by heart, it is just an opinion.

Still with handsome free player
Best regards
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