I'll just give my final thoughts:
Balancing is to leave things alike to all sides.
If your class is good on one side, it loses on another. Examples:
- Tanker All Races> Much Def and HP, however, does not have much ATK
- Striker> Very ATK and Accuracy, however, little HP and DEF
- Punisher> ATK, Accuracy and Debuff, but little HP and DEF
- Berserker> ATK, Accuracy and Debuff, but little HP and DEF
- Summoner> Debuff and ATK, can buff allies and has help from Animus, but little HP and DEF
These are just a few examples of all that is gained on the one hand, is lost on the other, and most classes are sure of good equipment and are generally not easy, especially on this server, where you have to make lots of PBs and Money , Where it has a low success rate.
To get to the point where I arrived I made for 3 consecutive weeks all the respawn of all the PBs, I spent a lot, but a lot of money to be able to close 4 Accesories lvl70, outside other 2 weeks, that I made and I would break it to break 20 Weapons until obtaining a Legend + 4, and even then my Consul Armor does not reach +3.
And what does the MAU offer?
- Ranger> Very ATK and lots of HP, but low DEF and no HP recovery.
- Melee> A lot of DEF and HP, but little ATK and no HP Recovery.
All this at a high cost in Cash of the race, however we are not in a normal RPG server, but in a PVP server where Money is no problem (nor GP). And on top of that the GM arrives and puts a lot of DEF and ATK into something that does not take time to invest, while the others have to invest a lot of time to stay strong, and still do not serve for bullshit, since the fucking MAU manages to clean an entire race without suffering anything. Being a Donater comes up and creates 3 MAU Accounts that beat the AFK Chip, since damage to it is obsolete.
Do not say that ACC was very strong just because you do not know how to play, a good example is Cora Lief, that is a good opponent because he knows how to play, does not complain, he was by far the biggest opponent in the game because he used to Head to play.
Since when I started to play on the server I noticed that there was an imbalance against the ACCs, because no PvP Accessory has elemental defense, and for ACC that sucks, so any wizard can blast an ACC, and what did the GM do? It just sucks, just buff who pays more, and as no ACC puts money on Server, fuck the ACC.
Because of this I am leaving this server to the Donater, I will not waste my time on a server that does not value its unique players.