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  1. Hylenz

    SOLVED Exchange Bug

    Hello, If you want to exchange Gold armor to NPC you will have an error message as result screnn next:
  2. Hylenz

    Back to game :)

    Back to game :)
  3. Hylenz

    The fuck ?

    Hello here, For some reasons, i can understand ACC. We all want a fun server with pvp. In order to give a chance to new players, i will with all Bells break alliance with Cora next week. I hope i will see more ACC @ cw. To be clear about Elan farming zone. if i see ACC going cw and trying...
  4. Hylenz

    acc + bcc towers bug again and again

    I think logs are not lying so if GM said that trust him. This is not the first time ACC hack on this server and it's very sad to see that. If you participate from close or far to this event.... assume. I'm sure GM is not banning ppl for his personnal pleasure. Certain acc player are lucky...
  5. Hylenz

    acc + bcc towers bug again and again

    I think if you start arguing like this you gonna run into trouble ...
  6. Hylenz

    acc + bcc towers bug again and again

    Keep calm, relax and wait GM decision.
  7. Hylenz

    acc + bcc towers bug again and again

    So if you looted no item coming from an exploit/hack maybe things will can be checked and changed. But if you loot or get any items from this PB, i'm agree with GM... It's really sad to see players hacking. When i log this night i saw ACC trying to kill Dagnue and when they saw me, they...
  8. Hylenz

    acc + bcc towers bug again and again

    It's just a question... Did you accept items or not that's all
  9. Hylenz

    acc + bcc towers bug again and again

    Villar di you accpet item or not ?
  10. Hylenz

    acc + bcc towers bug again and again

    Thanks for your support GM
  11. Hylenz

    acc + bcc towers bug again and again

    PERMA BAN !!!!!!
  12. Hylenz

    acc + bcc towers bug again and again

    Hello, Yesterday i was thinking about that. We tryed with cora to kill Dagnue. We were 5 cora + 4 bells, it was to hard to kill. ACC can kill with lvl 3 debuff and only 3 ????? They are using hacks .... I hope this time you will perma ban those player who don't respect the rules. This is a...
  13. Hylenz

    A couple suggestions

    I can help for demo if need
  14. Hylenz

    A couple suggestions

    Srikers OS Zlaya or me but it s not enought ??? You want a map OS ? L O L Too many strange things in ACC side...
  15. Hylenz

    A couple suggestions

    Can we have Type C armor with a little more powerfull stats like more defense success rate. Atm no interest to make type c because same as int... strange no ?
  16. Hylenz


    Is QQ master a class :Mosking:
  17. Hylenz


    Are you pronQueen brother ? Because you are exactly the same ......
  18. Hylenz


    i Just speak about position of turrets not power/def
  19. Hylenz


    I was thinking put traps / tower on spawn like using scroll and be killed by acc tower in VC is ILLEGAL ???? What do you think about ?
  20. Hylenz

    gold and online

    100% agree