The fuck ?


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Can i get a quick explaination about Cora and Bells being perma on Acc'. Like why are you killing the pvp ? Why 30 ppl facing 4 ?
I just came 4 days ago and i'm just asking lmao

You are just killing this server slowly tbh

So can i get some information about why ? I'm not crying just asking to know if there is a reason.
if u WANT SOMETHING COME AND GET IT! That's WAR GAME man) and if u come only 4 days ago pls close ur mouse about server situation)) u don't know all what heppend)
Jesus can you stop being a monkey for 2 second, YES i don't know what happened so i'm ASKING YOU what happened.
I'm playing RF since CCR pay to play and i'v been in plenty of server so YES i know what i'm talking about.
It is a PVP server but you are not Pvping each other with Bells.

Well now that i'v talk to Bells and Cora Race Leader no wonder why this server is dying.

Ok you can't even understand or write an english sentence. I'm not even talking about your brain. Phillipine at it's finest.
Why 2 races killing acc chip? Because 2-3 weeks ago ~6-8 acc chars were banned for cheating with towers. Everyone, who appears as acc somehow act like a dumbass, atleast thats what i saw for the last month. They had one RL - got banned, they have Martyr now which one crying about animuses and calls everyone a cheater. So, i cant decide what kind of ppl are playing for each race but acc situation is sad. Oh yeah, btw, RvRvR is coming next week so i dont think that anything will change
Finally someone with brain cells. Thanks Brago i get it. What i don't get is that these ACC's are gone now, and the ones you see are my mates, so why do you put perma SOD lvl 3 on Acc's. I mean, if i was a new player, seeing this, i would not stay in this server.
Well I feel sorry for these cheaters, now me and my mates will rule Acc, trying to bring more ppl so we can bring the pvp back.
Finally someone with brain cells. Thanks Brago i get it. What i don't get is that these ACC's are gone now, and the ones you see are my mates, so why do you put perma SOD lvl 3 on Acc's. I mean, if i was a new player, seeing this, i would not stay in this server.
Well I feel sorry for these cheaters, now me and my mates will rule Acc, trying to bring more ppl so we can bring the pvp back.
We and bells are only FOR your race growing and thats why we have not kill a single newbie player and let acc loot epb or whatever. But today Martyr killed a guy from our guild on farm zone, for no reason, then he told you to help. So the main question is why you RL asked nicely to join EPB before and nooow he is keep calling us a cheaters and kills everyone at peacefull locations? And I also told you that RvRvR is gonna be for sure we will fight with bells and with you
I thin k i remember someone with the name Unlimited something or other on CCR many years ago.... Did you play ACC on CCR too? i played bell on CCR
Hello here,

For some reasons, i can understand ACC. We all want a fun server with pvp. In order to give a chance to new players, i will with all Bells break alliance with Cora next week. I hope i will see more ACC @ cw.
To be clear about Elan farming zone. if i see ACC going cw and trying their best i will be the first to lett ACC minig in Elan and doing with Cora (if they are agree) D D D.

I hope that will participate to ACC growing.
See you soon ACC
We and bells are only FOR your race growing and thats why we have not kill a single newbie player and let acc loot epb or whatever. But today Martyr killed a guy from our guild on farm zone, for no reason, then he told you to help. So the main question is why you RL asked nicely to join EPB before and nooow he is keep calling us a cheaters and kills everyone at peacefull locations? And I also told you that RvRvR is gonna be for sure we will fight with bells and with you

Brago before you came, there was Cora hitting me and my towers for free while I was farming. When i saw you i tought you would kill me with ur friend. And thats it tbh.

And one last thing, Martyr is Martyr, I cant take responsibilities about what he does.
Hello here,

For some reasons, i can understand ACC. We all want a fun server with pvp. In order to give a chance to new players, i will with all Bells break alliance with Cora next week. I hope i will see more ACC @ cw.
To be clear about Elan farming zone. if i see ACC going cw and trying their best i will be the first to lett ACC minig in Elan and doing with Cora (if they are agree) D D D.

I hope that will participate to ACC growing.
See you soon ACC

Fair enough