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  1. wyrtensi

    SOLVED Sometimes CW timer disappear

    No timer After restart
  2. wyrtensi

    SOLVED Defense working weird all around

    UPDATE: confrontation, i just realise you've got CB appeared on you using 45 rare 1 melee armor i have x2 less armor than you i use 5% def amulets and rings, high grade charm of defence, aegis buff no shield equipped i believe defense should only increase hp
  3. wyrtensi

    SOLVED Sometimes TP out of range BM to Cauldron

    sometimes clicking tp from bm to cauldron gibes you error out of portal range tp located abit far from tp button
  4. wyrtensi

    SOLVED Mess with party info/ shady persons in party (update in reply)

    still getting members with rf logo and lvl 0
  5. wyrtensi

    SOLVED Friend List Online Status

    mystery, imagine life without iphones
  6. wyrtensi

    How to switch GPU in game on your Laptop (win10/11)

    First of all, you can switch your GPU using launcher options, but if you can't, then this guide is for you This should work for Windows 10 and Windows 11 1. Open Display settings (Select Start > Settings > System > Display.) or open it through desktop using right mouse button or 2. Find...
  7. wyrtensi

    PROCESSING Goliath unit ammo bug (upd)

    so i was hitting calianas and then it says no fuel, taxi driver upd: This is what i found after relogining i found out that all ammo is gone on ebery mau after logout;
  8. wyrtensi

    SOLVED Cant reach Buff npc in bm

    wrong npc placement ?
  9. wyrtensi

    SOLVED Game Crash before puting fire guard

    i believe, when you launch the game for the first time (sometimes) you must do multiple logins to get ingame also after the game [crash/disconnect/around vanishing and manual closing] character might still be ingame or server may have info that you are still in game and game quits when you try...
  10. wyrtensi

    NOT A BUG Gamma switch doesnt work

    Gamma switch doesnt apply any effect for me, in windowed mode, cant check in full screen Recently i realise sharpness increase fps, but sometimes this is too bright
  11. wyrtensi

    skill points receive Delay for canceled buffs (suggestion thread)

    delay may look like: if buff is cancelled and buffed again you dont get skill points until bufftime is over or you die or someone vanish it of you
  12. wyrtensi

    MAU 1 shot 1 s-kill protection (suggestion thread)

    protection from destruction, none other class has such thing as mau, well maybe animus, but you're not sitting inside animus and you can recall it
  13. wyrtensi

    MAU 1 shot 1 s-kill protection (suggestion thread)

    Idea is to make low lvl taxi drivers protected from 1 skill launcher crash As example: 55 launcher trying to 1 skill 30lvl taxi BUT after he does shot for full mau hp 200k to cata, cata still have (some amount maybe 100) hp for another shot This protects low level taxi driver from instakill and...
  14. wyrtensi

    SOLVED Towers material

    All towers require same white excelsiar A
  15. wyrtensi

    Spam here next new technologies as example

    next new technology is rf_online.exe
  16. wyrtensi

    SOLVED Sometimes CW timer disappear

    cw timer show up when its 1hr until cw and disappear in seconds
  17. wyrtensi

    Spam here next new technologies as example

    next new technology is chooty farm
  18. wyrtensi

    SOLVED ?????? items name/description

    1. i think all melee cora helmets have ????? name 2. got it from hp potions seller quest 3. got it from ore refine 4.