MAU 1 shot 1 s-kill protection (suggestion thread)


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Idea is to make low lvl taxi drivers protected from 1 skill launcher crash
As example: 55 launcher trying to 1 skill 30lvl taxi
BUT after he does shot for full mau hp 200k to cata, cata still have (some amount maybe 100) hp for another shot
This protects low level taxi driver from instakill and his taxi being instantly destroyed

Again, doing any damage to MAU higher than MAU hp at the moment will leave MAU 100 hp for another enemy shot without protection

Also probably connect this thing to bubble aura effect so when mau has 100hp this effect disappear

Also with this protection enemies will be able to dodge - mau explosions from
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hmmm i dont think that MAUs should have a protection, because no other class has such, but low lvl repair cost should be lower maybe...
hmmm i dont think that MAUs should have a protection, because no other class has such, but low lvl repair cost should be lower maybe...
protection from destruction, none other class has such thing as mau, well maybe animus, but you're not sitting inside animus and you can recall it
my point was supporting your ideia of protecting newbies, but instead of protect from insta kill, protect helping on lower costs to repair... because at low lvls, money is not that easy to make.
because, think, you can protect a lowbie from insta, but it doesn't prevent kill, he's gonna get second shot e get killed same way...
my point was supporting your ideia of protecting newbies, but instead of protect from insta kill, protect helping on lower costs to repair... because at low lvls, money is not that easy to make.
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