SOLVED Game Crash before puting fire guard

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After putting my password, the game show the advise screen and proceed to load the "start" page, where whe put our fireguard password. I dint know it's only me, but after the last update, the game sudenly crash and close in the "loading" page (when the game freeze for a few second ultil the start page appears), or sometimes crash befofe entering the fireguard.

Just reporting if is not only me.
i believe, when you launch the game for the first time (sometimes) you must do multiple logins to get ingame
also after the game [crash/disconnect/around vanishing and manual closing] character might still be ingame or server may have info that you are still in game and game quits when you try to login you must login again to get ingame
happen to me after passing login form, and the game is loading or right after it on lobby map 1st frame
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i believe that happens because something is in the background, could be a browser or another program... RF online unfortunately has many issues unsolved.
Well, after many attempts, i can login, but still dont know what is causing this. O double check the process that are running and nothing change from the last update. This is RF Onlint, i think.
i was having problems login, crash before FG... it was on windows config... did fullscreen, it worked...just change stuff sometimes... friggin old game... ahaha
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