Why have Towers no effect on Chip in CW?


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on cw last night gmt+1 i tried to dps cora chip with my towers. i set up 5 of them and it showed the dmg on chip when they fireing. but it had no effect.
I asked Archon % of ccc and it was 98% all the time. in this time the triple logged Mau´s from bells crashed down acc.
So is it a Bug that towers dont make dmg anymore on chip?
before update they did and if now not. so they take away the dmg support from acc lol. Then we could say Mau dont should have dmg effect on chip too. Also animus.
then these dmg dealer just can dmg in pvp and there for guard the other players.

That is called balance here?
To Zlaya: first i play this game longer then u and 2nd as i started here every single spec of each race burned down the chip with his towers alone.
balance ??????????? its RF ONLINE GAME ! NOT TOWER DEFENCE! Need CUT towers or del ths sht !) its unreal 1 tower may kill me easy!) I have a lot of DEF and 1 tower hit to me
~4-6k )
i have 55k def and u hit me with 9k+ hits and u cry about a 4k hit from tower were u can ran out of range lol. so stats from armor to high up force atk should be delete. delete towers ok. but then make my 33k atk effekt on u, so hits from 6-9k and not damn 2k hits.
i have 55k def and u hit me with 9k+ hits and u cry about a 4k hit from tower were u can ran out of range lol. so stats from armor to high up force atk should be delete. delete towers ok. but then make my 33k atk effekt on u, so hits from 6-9k and not damn 2k hits.
zlaya have only this damage, but turrent have 4-6!! only one turret, if u will setup 4 for example? 4-6*4 = 16-24k damage and plus your damage with weapon....
Also stop talking about def when u hold a shield. shield have no effect on player def
oh my god...
i have 55k def and u hit me with 9k+ hits and u cry about a 4k hit from tower were u can ran out of range lol. so stats from armor to high up force atk should be delete. delete towers ok. but then make my 33k atk effekt on u, so hits from 6-9k and not damn 2k hits.
u crazy ? aahahah lol I hit to U 9k or more corse I'm attack+cb+hero lvl 3 + support buff NOOB!
To Chronos: u ever played a spec with tower? show me ho u set in a pvp 4 towers around ur target before it run away forcelog or escapruned lol.

and how i say my weapon atk is a joke on other player because its messed up on this server lol.

To Mrs. Zlaya: u always hit that not only with all ur small dig buffs lol
To Chronos: u ever played a spec with tower? show me ho u set in a pvp 4 towers around ur target before it run away forcelog or escapruned lol.

and how i say my weapon atk is a joke on other player because its messed up on this server lol.

To Mrs. Zlaya: u always hit that not only with all ur small dig buffs lol
and I have more then 39k dmg ) u mast die 2-4 hits!)
To Chronos: u ever played a spec with tower? show me ho u set in a pvp 4 towers around ur target before it run away forcelog or escapruned lol.

and how i say my weapon atk is a joke on other player because its messed up on this server lol.

To Mrs. Zlaya: u always hit that not only with all ur small dig buffs lol
why do u thing that spec must be op and kill everyone easy? specialist it's a support not mega nad op