Hello Newbie here!


Cash Shop
Vote Point
Hi! i just joined the server still downloading the patch atm I plan on getting the MAU on the game

are there any tips or advice warnings and etc you want to give to this newbie please go for it!
Hi newbie,
AR's take a lot of gold points to max out (around 2m, can be mined at elan during weekends)
Make sure to loot the stuff u kill, booty is auto-sold and sells for a lot, it will fund ur armour and maus
Armour isnt as big of a deal for PVE as u might think
If u need any help just pm me ingame, my names Fire
i see thank you would mind if i ask what is this gold points you are talking about?

it's the first time i've heard of it.
it was a currency added with the golden age, u use it to buy stuff from golden piggies (or in this case the pvp vendor also wants gp for some stuff and the item shop also wants gp)
normaly u got it from mining after a cw in crag and from killing the golden pigs in sette/ether
but here most mobs drop gold points, some more than others
for mining it at elan during the weekend at lv70 u get 15 per 10seconds and every lvl under 70 takes 1 gold point off what u get