Forum Rules


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엘븐 실드(코스튬방패)
The forum rules listed below are mandatory for all forum participants without exception. Ignorance of the Regulations is no excuse.
The administration reserves the right to change the rules without prior notice.
Extensions and changing of the rules take effect upon their publication.

General Terms:

  • These forums were created by administration of the project MID-WAY, primarily for players of this project. Accordingly, Forums are thematic, though chat on other non-project activities topics is not forbidden.
  • Should be remembered that once created topic is considered to be property of the forum, not theme*author. No user has the right to set the rules of communication in topic he created.
  • Before creating new themes, sure to use the SEARCH. Perhaps what you want to ask, has already been discussed on the forum. This will save precious time to yourself and others.
  • Try to write competently. Check written messages before send them.
  • When writing a message avoid excessive quoting. It is difficult to read messages and unnecessarily loads the theme.
  • Personal communication to the general topic is considered to be offtopic. For personal correspondence there is a personal message.
  • Avoid copying bulk materials of any web pages. It is better publish links to these materials.
  • If you have nothing to say - it is better not to say anything. No need to write messages only to be noticed.
  • Forum Administration is the supreme power in the Forum, acting in the interests of visitors. Any action of of administration is the only correct and not appealable.
  • Remember that administrators and moderators will never ask you to provide any personal information or change them in your profile.
  • Contact administration, forum moderators and the project only through the forum and PM (personal messages). Do not ask to contact you using the service ICQ, Skype, etc.
  • Language for communication on this project accepted English language, as it is understandable and it speaks most users of this resource. If a player does not speak Russian, he may apply to the problem in their own language, and we will help him. If the user does not deliberately use clear language to other users, with good command of the Russian language, his actions can be viewed as disrespect / affront interlocutors. These users will be warned and, if necessary, blocked.

Recommendations, which are necessary to listen, NOT:

  • To create avatars and signatures on political or religious themes. The administration reserves the right to delete such avatars and signatures.
  • To create messages of political or religious content. The administration reserves the right to delete such posts without warning.
  • Repeatedly to "up" the issue, if the question to the answer was not received timely. In the case of multiple threads messages like "up", it can be regarded as a flood.
  • To create a signature link to sites that are not meeting the forum topics.
  • Allowing the freedom of speech is commonly used for the manifestation of goodwill and friendliness, not to insult interlocutors and violation of forums subject.
  • Expounding a personal point of view - try to express clear and understandable language, showing respect, patience and attentiveness to interlocutors.
  • Long messages are highly desirable to rubricate empty lines to make them easy to read.
  • When quoting others, leave only that messages what is needed to understand your answer. Avoid excessive quoting (overquoting), which makes it difficult to load the topic. When quoting, remove links to the pictures from it.
  • Create topics and other issues to a Game Master in the section of your realm.
  • For those who wish to express thanks to user, who left useful Post, the forum have a special module.
    Just click on the "Thank you" under the desired message, and profile of the member noted, that he thanked, and under the message appears your nickname.
    Thank the user through the button "Thank you" is much more convenient for you and much more useful for you thank someone than if you left a message with a few words. Your message thanking is likely to be get lost among other messages, and reputation score and your nick under Helpful remain forever on a user (if the message is not be deleted).

Administration and moderation:

  • The administration has the right to edit, move, close, and delete posts and topics that do not meet the rules of the forum.
  • The administration has the right to emptive interpretation of any item on the forum rules when faced with allegations of a double meaning in these paragraphs from the user.
  • Moderator action can be appealed only by administrator and only in a special section.
  • Forum Administration's decision is final and is not appealable.
  • Forum Moderator or an Administrator can make remarks to your signature. If set demands are not met, the entire signature is removed, and the user receives blocking profile or RO for 3 days.
  • Administration may change any rule without informing users.