About Pit Boss Drop

i dont want to quote myself. ur server ur game ur excuses all good.
ur NAT from provider: every1 get own ip anyway. Or u ppl play with open hotspot?
chronos go back to ur corner and cry stupid kid. take a cookie and milk then shit do ur daipers and dont talk to me.
plator crap and try to get out talks about ur server ur rules

@admin, @Raffi lmao how u suffer this idiots with impossible ideas and spamming everywhere and don't follow simple rulez!!! Report this monkey of crap
About rules. No one is intend to insult another player at forum. So stop barking like a dog. Use normal words.
P.S. 117/Anacade/Numerus pit bosses were useless and could be used for a good reason. So as earthquaker and sette pbs.
About rules. No one is intend to insult another player at forum. So stop barking like a dog. Use normal words.
P.S. 117/Anacade/Numerus pit bosses were useless and could be used for a good reason. So as earthquaker and sette pbs.
When u writing somethin first read about and just look at plator (toxic negative monkey)

Quote from wiki
Today, NAT is used to hide networks (called network masquerading) or to hide IP (called IP masquerading). Masquerading is the mechanism that hides an entire address space, usually consisting of private network addresses (RFC 1918), behind a single IP address usually in the public domain address space.

Cannot say plator because u crapped ?
About rules. No one is intend to insult another player at forum. So stop barking like a dog. Use normal words.
P.S. 117/Anacade/Numerus pit bosses were useless and could be used for a good reason. So as earthquaker and sette pbs.
а по поводу тебя, я тут играю намного раньше тебя и давно наблюдаю за тобой, что от тебя кроме желчи и говна ничего не слышно, а ты лучше своему Platorу разжуй принцип работы ната прежде чем писать всякую ахинею на форуме
Chronos u just a stupid kid so if there would be an ignore list u would be the 1 and only on it.

But i think Chronos i a provider that why he can use NAT to use several ip adresses or just a hacking kid that have no life but many brain, a small dick (because need to insult ppl) and a pimple face. high inteligence but just 13 years old kid
i dont know of any service provider that would use nat, i know router at the end use them but for an individual address....nope
Actually Plator, your not including internet cafes, which correct me if i am wrong, because i might be. But don't internet cafes all use the same IP address?
Anyway plator make a crap every times and don't wanna just think about that we all told him, but he think that he is genius and we all stupid here

And the main why he crap and idiot than we can use proxy!

Now I luv this is system bcz all can use window not only cheaters with hide tools and etc