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  1. PiuPiu

    R3 Engine Update (Discussion)

    Maybe you have some questions about engine improvements. As we saw on some screenshots game will be more bright. But how about dymanic day/night change? Is it possible since R3 can do weather change? Discuss here
  2. PiuPiu

    "Striker is IMBA (not)"

    Just made a test with all i have on my annihilator (even special dmg someone will notice): P.S. Warder dps at the end :)
  3. PiuPiu

    "Age of IMBA Mau"

    What the f$#k is this?
  4. PiuPiu

    Useless suggestions

    Started to make this topic because almost 90% of our suggestions were rejected or not implemented by dev/gm till today. Need to add one more useless suggestion. Make +6 head against buff cancel with 50% chance and +7 with 75%
  5. PiuPiu


    Everyone who have win 7 64 bit could do this...
  6. PiuPiu

    Vote system

    Since server population has been grown up so quickly I am highly recommending to make vote system harder for example: - 70 lvl; - 250 000 CP (because 67 lvl quest gives player big amount of CP); - 24 Hours of online; - 1kkk CP/Dalant/Disena. If you have just one 70 lvl char you can made 3+...
  7. PiuPiu

    It seems to be...

    It seems to be then GM implemented rare ore +1/+2/+3 he forgot about other +4 ore which you can get from Earthquaker, GvG boxes and mining at settlements. Is there a possibility to add rare +4 ore?
  8. PiuPiu


    Creating this topic to show my hunting results :Buba: Founded fresh prey farming gold at elan. All was hunted down. Someone was dead twice. How impertinent to disobey to stay dead. :Diablo:
  9. PiuPiu

    Simple Question

    Where is the update? Yesterday you said tomorrow. Just do it! (:
  10. PiuPiu

    Ошибки в наименовании предметов/нпц/т.п.

    В наименовании турелей содержится ошибка
  11. PiuPiu

    Сервер для "оконщиков"

    В виду того что можно играть в 2 окна (а при помощи п.о. больше), а прокачка для "недамажных" классов после 51 уровня очень долгая и нудная на сервере воцарились пилоты. Достаточно создать двух пилотов, вкачать до 51 уровня, разбить жука, достать благо с эльф двуруком, чтобы ломать практически...
  12. PiuPiu

    Cross Class

    Cross classes were too op and must be disabled. You cant fight them even if you are 3 vs 1. First cora player AREA (imposible to hit with normal attack even if your accuracy is 200+) then bells rl zlaya. That is not fair to play agains any magewarroir. Too OP class...
  13. PiuPiu

    1.5.2 Issue

    There is no new loot from Black Sing Artillery. Its pointless to kill executors because the chance to get box from commander is higher. P.S. Killed almost 20 of them and one maganes to drop one box...
  14. PiuPiu

    Legendary upgrade...

    Today I tried to make +5 legend weapon. I made 13 5-6 slots legendary. 3 of them were succsessfully upgrader and the rest was destroyed with t7. I spent almost week to farm resources and got nothing. Why you dont make it simplier? Its a pvp not official server! People come here just for fun not...
  15. PiuPiu

    Ошибка загрузки

    Возникает после последнего доступного обновления...
  16. PiuPiu

    Тест новых классовых умений

    Протестировал, как и обещал, акро-танка. Что могу сказать на данный момент. Из плюсов: - 100% бонус к банкам (на 30 секунд за счет двух положительных сил "безграничная поддержка" и аварийное питание); - 65% бонус к показателю защиты (тоже на 30 секунд, если учитывать три умения повышающее...
  17. PiuPiu

    Trade Error: Zero Dilemma

    So the trade is not working again. But I think I know why it always brokes. Sometime then you trying to trade something to someone you got a spam of errors. Maybe there is a trade limit on the server and because the trade limit is exceed there is no trade anymore...
  18. PiuPiu

    Novus Map

    Yesterday I have checked the whole map and found an issue. If you watch at VC map you will see a exit to Beast Mountains but on the big map there is no sing of BM and OC and even Novajan map. So I wander where are they actually? :Hi:
  19. PiuPiu

    "Mormu's Platinum Ignot" issue

    Can not combine it from Hero
  20. PiuPiu

    Gold Vendors

    Any golden vendor has a very small amount of golden items. Plus if you by highest item it will be available only in a few weeks or maybe month. If you get it first - its good for you. But if someone wants something +6-7 he cant buy it and will be pissed Thats why i cam recommending to decrease...