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  • hello admin kindly make the success rate of high grade talic master in combination its kind a very low its like 1 out of 10
    Hi Admin I cant log in the game, i'v used the mine telle and got a black screen + dc and now every time i enter in the game i got this dc
    Привет, а есть ли возможность скачать патч для подключения к серверу, без скачивания вашего клиента?
    Admin you got to FIX your Auto updater it's not even starting for me. anti-virus off<------
    hi admin good morning i would like to ask some question that.. when i voted why i dont earn cash shop point ? my cash point still on 3 points i did not earn some points again.. stock on 3 cash shop point why..? i hope my concern please
    Привет а у тебя есть скайп или еще что нибудь,у меня есть пару вопросов
    Good evening, I'm taking disconnect when I try to make superior clothes, I could sort this out by kindness.
    Good evening, I'm taking disconnect when I try to make superior clothes, I could sort this out by kindness.
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