Hiding while in aggressive mode

Richard Alex

Cash Shop
Vote Point
While we are defending our BCC..i encountered cora and accrecia doing some hide while in pvp mode..the first time i encountered this is having pvp with Mrtyr and now Cora and Accrecia..it is very hard for AR users because we cannot detect hide while riding our MAU..as we hit the enemy they hide.. @admin or GM i'm seeking for an answer about this issue.. Peace ^_^v

Mau overpowered and seek more thats the only handicapped for you..and where the hell is Martyr did you see his ghost?
Mau overpowered and seek more thats the only handicapped for you..and where the hell is Martyr did you see his ghost?

Martyr quite that day our last encounter...how come mau overpowered? You make laughing stuff when mau blow....fyi our mau is very squashy and you said it is overpowered?...
could sware martyr as RL coule one shot MAUs... so i reallly wouldn't say that they are overpowered... but other races are always going to say the MAUs are overpowered no matter what.. unless they hit like a wet noodle and go boom to flems
Martyr quite that day our last encounter...how come mau overpowered? You make laughing stuff when mau blow....fyi our mau is very squashy and you said it is overpowered?...
pffft martyr is long gone......the point is with or without shield your mau produced same damage thats quite interesting so shield defense is nonsense the only difference is with shield we can block your shots now thats something...and BTW you know nothing about trappers it makes me smirk