There is no ballance on server and never was. Mau could constant use their 100+ net. Striker dps is even lower then warrior without siege kit. 90% not usefull classes. Cheap turrets and mau repair. Cora 12k heal with inana. Trash loot from pitbosses. 50th lvl mau were still hard to kill with 70 lvl gear. Trade error once per 2 weeks. Cant run with ball on GvG. There is no dark hole elementals and palmas/perdion elementals. Disabled and not actualized dungeons (50-55 and etc). No pvp point farm. Almost useless mats and stuf like armor and weapon (perdion, superior armor, special, crimson, relic weapon). 70 lvl but no new good maps (like ghost elven garden). Shop teleport works on cw (!!!).