Aahahahahhahahahaha when u realy NOOB


Cash Shop
Vote Point


I'm not GM! and U are two NOOBS)))) its not my trable if u may kill only afk players)
Lol we killed you many times in crag and dagnue and havent seen any post. We also stopped playing as this server seems dead.

Now you post.. and now i know that zlaya is a kid like as old threads say (this shows how immature you are) , and you started this server's downfall haha.. good luck on playing solo in this server :) we decided to move forward with our lives. See you.

Ps. Dont afk we kill you again :)
вообще ты нууууууууууууб тупой нуууууууб))) инфа сотка ) упал сделать нихуа не смог ливнул ) значит кто? НУБ!
понимаешь? ты НУУУУБ и я не админ и не гм) вбей в голову себе) гугл в помощь-переведешь)
Hahaha rage more. I like it. :Dance3:
Such immature kid hahaha go play solo in this server, go hog all cw and ddd :) its all yours now :Blum:
Lol we killed you many times in crag and dagnue and havent seen any post. We also stopped playing as this server seems dead.

Now you post.. and now i know that zlaya is a kid like as old threads say (this shows how immature you are) , and you started this server's downfall haha.. good luck on playing solo in this server :) we decided to move forward with our lives. See you.

Ps. Dont afk we kill you again :)
Funny to see smth like that from you too, lol. You were at 2 of 3 CW`s a day with NO people at all but your Cora alts. So, to be fair, you did nothing to help this server grow. And now you type "we decided to move forward with our lives". Just funny tho :Thank You2:
haha crybaby its their server anyways....you must speak in their language so that they will understand you russian...im the only one left playing a non admin haha...but the crybaby started to kill me afk at gold rush also so fck yourself and try to play yourself crybaby
ZlayaZaya=crybaby now you play yourself enjoy noob!
Funny to see smth like that from you too, lol. You were at 2 of 3 CW`s a day with NO people at all but your Cora alts. So, to be fair, you did nothing to help this server grow. And now you type "we decided to move forward with our lives". Just funny tho :Thank You2:

Huh what you talking about? Did you log in when you guys stopped playing? We were pvp'ng with the remaining Accretians and bellato's, when they suddenly stopped playing. So we stopped playing also.. i think it was only himax remaining (he was a new player so +1 we got new ppl stay) , but we decided to play other server when we got nobody to play with here ahahaa. what fairy tale are you saying brago. :Popcorm1: 2/3 CW hahahaha

I think you were even there when they try to take down CCC, but we just defended and did not attack any chip.. zlaya pmed us, attack ACC to which nobody follows a whim of a child hahaha. Why attack a dead race (ACC) who enjoys playing pvp game without players , him?

We even do DDD to make ppl stay, but alas, everybody stops at a point in time since server is not growing and yeah
last response/edit - turning off email notifications as midway already deleted

Lastly; Brago brago brago.. remember the time you ran and you alt voted yourself to RL in cora? Thought that would stop us from playing during that time? I even reported you to admin because we deduced that time that you are in bellato just want to disrupt Cora council spot. We dont resort to such childish/noobish acts. We can play without spots honestly.

Thank you GM, this has been a nice server, but some cancerous players.. just unlucky that you got the worst wish he/they stay on this server.
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Huh what you talking about? Did you log in when you guys stopped playing? We were pvp'ng with the remaining Accretians and bellato's, when they suddenly stopped playing. So we stopped playing also.. i think it was only himax remaining (he was a new player so +1 we got new ppl stay) , but we decided to play other server when we got nobody to play with here ahahaa. what fairy tale are you saying brago. :Popcorm1: 2/3 CW hahahaha

I think you were even there when they try to take down CCC, but we just defended and did not attack any chip.. zlaya pmed us, attack ACC to which nobody follows a whim of a child hahaha. Why attack a dead race (ACC) who enjoys playing pvp game without players , him?

We even do DDD to make ppl stay, but alas, everybody stops at a point in time since server is not growing and yeah
last response/edit - turning off email notifications as midway already deleted

Lastly; Brago brago brago.. remember the time you ran and you alt voted yourself to RL in cora? Thought that would stop us from playing during that time? I even reported you to admin because we deduced that time that you are in bellato just want to disrupt Cora council spot. We dont resort to such childish/noobish acts. We can play without spots honestly.

Thank you GM, this has been a nice server, but some cancerous players.. just unlucky that you got the worst wish he/they stay on this server.
I even liked your post coz i died laughing. Are you talking about me taking RL once? phahaha, i had 3 votes but others i dont even know who voted for me. You have like 10 alts and voted for youself so ye, keep talking about "fighting" at CW. And if you dont know - its better to shut up. I`ve become a bellato 1 week ago, when I was cora RL - right, more than 1 month ago. Damn. Turn on your brain, there was no point to do smth bad to Cora race there were no one but a few of you and your alts and every time i went to CW i saw your hitting the chip for 30 mins with towers and 0 bells. Well played LMAO