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  • kutomar just QQ, how about upgrading level 70 armors and using it? have you tried? you expect to live with archon? we from cora gets 1-2 skills if we use archon armors. we just know how to PVP. even without hecate I can PVP you guys easily.
    Hello Admin
    it is so annoying playing with overpower race bell have mau insane damage cora have hecate insane damge per second plus stun acc has nothing Siege Kit but when restrain we can do nothing.1 summoner = 2 or more acc...and why 3 summoner can destroy the chip within 30+ mins..
    Hello Admin
    Can you fix the bug when hit by a hecate sir it always says potion related error and could leave a potion with no quantity that you dont notice you'll have no healing...hecate with overpower damage plus stun 3k-4k damage is unacceptable..the only rf server that hecate is stronger than isis.
    Hi, is there any chance we will have an event like PB Hunt every weekend? because some players are waiting & wanting for it. They got bored and well IDK if they quitted. Hopefully the event will occur often. -GunFarmeR/ACC
    hi admin my shortcut keys are not functioning kindly help me sir it is so hard to play with no shortcut keys...please
    Hello i have an error on my rf launcher, listed AIL_enumerate_3D_provider Error # 2 and ./Snd/BGMList.spt. Can you help me in this launcher problem? thank you
    Hello i have an error on my rf launcher, listed AIL_enumerate_3D_provider Error # 2 and ./Snd/BGMList.spt. Can you help me in this launcher problem? thank you
    can u post how to get pvp point... my chars aldy killing others race, attend cw and won, doing pb still got 0. So its be thankful for i and others newbie to know the way gain pvp point for elem,etc... Best regards.. Ricge
    and can u add guide to make legendary weapons at forum? The guide make legendary gems already exist... but not about make legendary weaps... hope u understand... ty
    Ok, will add in a few hours.
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