Is ranger damage and range bugged?


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Im using +6 bow, counsil set, all good and upgraded pvp elementals and still hitting just 5-7k ( 7k being the MAX and only 1 skill ) to launcher counsil armor? Is just this my damage? LoL and I do have almost 100+ Range and Still strikers can hit me from the same distance I hit them... Is it bugged too?
yeah i guess its bugged ranger here is not that good also def of warrior melee has a little bit defective too..
And what the problem? Do you realise how working damage and def system?

Damage and def info in Character info page (C) - not the same info at server.
And what the problem? Do you realise how working damage and def system?

Damage and def info in Character info page (C) - not the same info at server.
any updates on rangers? coz in other servers that i guess we all played ranger has a higher damage than any class but in here warrior tanker even has a higher damage than ranger so i guess its kind a weird also the range its a little too close even buffing increase attack range :) thats why i never saw a ranger as there main here coz of that reason..just my opinion...
Rangers here were useless. All ranger classes could be improved. Ranger cant damage more then mage with elemental weakness or striker with siege kit but he need to stun or crit enemy more then mage and striker.