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    Is this normal or it is bugged?

    Hello again,:Biggrin: I was leveling my Armor Rider in OCL map, using MAU ranger, when the Beast and Red Haired Mobs debuffed me that annoying debuff, take a look at its time duration: 1- Is it normal, more than 90 seconds duration as lvl 7 debuff? 2- I dont know if at the time CCR.Inc made...
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    Melee MAU's amount of NETS/MAU's NPC

    Hello, Mau melee got only 2 nets per magazine, thats one thing that has never changed year after year, even Mau ranger got 5 rounds on its useless secondary weapon, what about making this equal? Mau melee and ranger to have 5 rounds per magazine on their secondary weapon?:Bomb::Dirol: