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  1. M

    Excuse me, how much is the equipment stability value of 81?

    Excuse me, how much is the equipment stability value of 81? Why did my +4 burst?. The stability value you said before +6 I bought it with 17W gold points and bought it. I can't play until I burst.
  2. M

    Basic +5 armed (55-65).Which NPC the upgrader is in

    Can ask the administrator In the end, which NPC is the armed upgrader? Your NPC equipment is +0... I can't beat monsters at all. Plus your monster points are too small 可以問一下管理員 到底武裝升級器在哪個NPC~ 你NPC裝備都+0...我根本無法打怪都會被打死~ 加上你怪物點數也太少