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  1. ampnoob

    specialist skill bug.

    then specialist class so many issue.
  2. ampnoob

    Effect concil set for cora

    yes sir.. bellato here..i'm still grinding for leveling.. but u can find me in mining.
  3. ampnoob

    Voting level

    it's lv50
  4. ampnoob

    specialist skill bug.

    please include the class skill of mau rider cuz it say unable to use.
  5. ampnoob

    specialist skill bug.

    hi mates.. do u have a problem with crafting ammo ?
  6. ampnoob

    specialist skill bug.

    thanks for positive feedback.. :Biggrin:
  7. ampnoob

    specialist skill bug.

    hey admin. i didn't get the expert skill even though my basic skill are already 77/99 from warrior and range class . my class is mau rider. please help on this.
  8. ampnoob

    Flesh is weak !

    Flesh is weak !