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  1. Tocoli

    Sloth debuff (and upload file)

    Hi, Sloth debuff bug too overpower ? dont mean in power, but in what it actually drop. Description says : dodge and critical debuff , but as i got debuff by Stone Block, Accuracy too ! Oh and can't add screenshot of it ... try 2 different screenshot of the problem ... upload and ... error :x
  2. Tocoli

    Warrior cora dmg

    Hi, no proof of what i'm saying, because didnt think it could be a problem. i just hit 70 as cora warrior dps, white spear +4 , +75% dmg from elem (26 , 24 ; 10 and 15) , burst pot 40%, atk 20k. Just before update, i was one hitting Curr without any problem with elite and class skill and now i...
  3. Tocoli

    VOTE !

    Hi, Our job is : Getting more player , we need to vote (i know it has already been said), so if all people who come play to this server could vote each time it is possible, would be really nice ! Admin job is : Make the vote with a reward system, to motivate player to vote :) Have fun !
  4. Tocoli

    Serv down ?

    Hi, wondering if serv was down ?