Search results

  1. Bennet84

    Flame Launcher ammo bug

    Hi guys, i noticed that different ammo for flame launcher have the same visual effect, all fire and probably they do the same damage. i hit on chooty with lv 40 flame launcher for 1300-2300 and i do the same damage with all the 4 elementals ammo. Chooty are fire elements, but if use water...
  2. Bennet84

    Questions to the administration

    Increase population is up to us also. I discovered this server just for luck, i vote everyday to make him go up in the private server list. I think we should share this page and this server on our FB account for example and in those facebook group about MMO and other online game..Of course be...
  3. Bennet84

    Iron Will quest

    Sry fo double post, i can't find any "edit" button. I mean BM, OC and Bio Lab
  4. Bennet84

    Iron Will quest

    If Lv cap is 50, iron will quest is useless. BM, VC and Bio Lab are unavailable at lv 50
  5. Bennet84

    Class Redefine

    Download and install original full client RF online redfox from here and then download the patch from here Copy the 2 files from the patch into RF...
  6. Bennet84

    Runtime Error! RF_Online.bin

    Wow This is great!! with this solution i cna play now. Thank you. So glad i can play this server. Thank you
  7. Bennet84

    Runtime Error! RF_Online.bin

    Maybe its because i'm not using redfox client. I patched another private server client, so maybe thats why. When i'll be home, i'll DL redfox client and i'll try again. The problem is ... that i'll be home in aabout 20 days hahaha, so i'll make you know. In case i'll still have problems, we'll...
  8. Bennet84

    Runtime Error! RF_Online.bin

    Wow, thank you for fast reply, but after the game patched, the problem is still actual. Thanks for help. is there any way i can solve it? Thank you
  9. Bennet84

    Runtime Error! RF_Online.bin

    Still no reply? Can anyone help me with this? Thank you
  10. Bennet84

    Runtime Error! RF_Online.bin

    As the title say, i get this error after i login. The screen "waiting for server response" freeze and after few seconds i get this error. Can you help me to sove this please. Thank you