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  1. Burak

    About Pit Boss Drop

    admin we're getting acc stuff from solus and anaccade pb's is this normal ?
  2. Burak

    Update Repeats Itself ( fixed )

    Can't login to game. Launcher keeps downloading RF.exe all over again. edit : ok fixed
  3. Burak

    the game doesn't run
  4. Burak

    About Pit Boss Drop

    You didn't. But we were expecting some changes for those maps too thats all. Also you didn't mention about vc but belphegor drops have beeen changed.
  5. Burak

    About Pit Boss Drop

    After last update Ether, Solus, Anacaade, 213, 117, Haram and Numerus Pb's drops are still same. We get pvp elems upgraders and mantle upgraders directly. ( not in boxes ) So we are having some space problems. Also we are getting t1 t2 gems + some junk items. I think it'll be better if we get...
  6. Burak

    About Pit Boss Drop

    After we got new update pb drops have been changed to standard. Right now we dont need to kill pbs because of this. There is nothing useful. Can we get back old sytle custom pb drops with a little twist. Right now we cant upgrade our pvp elems and mantles cause there are no grade enchant boxes...
  7. Burak

    the game doesn't run

    use redfox ( official ) client with 12 mb launcher
  8. Burak

    high cpu usage

    sometimes rf_online.bin*32 is using 80-90% of my cpu its not normal any idea how to fix this ?
  9. Burak


    i know it makes people angry but there is nothing wrong here. this is not a glitch hack or bug. the guy on the photo is just putting mau on turrets thats all. i said this earlier it just makes to click harder on them. nothing more
  10. Burak


    thats the point of putting maus on turrets. it makes harder to click on them but not impossible. so its not a bug. also you can actually click on turret in this photo.
  11. Burak


    yea why not
  12. Burak

    Guild Size Max 30

    We can't invite more than 30 players in our guild. normally it should have been 50 players max
  13. Burak

    Shining Hawk III ( bellato turret ) is broken

    this is not some balance issue. we are talking about bug here. don't twist admin's words. this is not just about bells ok.
  14. Burak

    Shining Hawk III ( bellato turret ) is broken

    Its not a complain dont get me wrong. It seems every other players are using the second best turret on the chart. Fine by me. But its just absurd to break best turret in one single attack.
  15. Burak

    Shining Hawk III ( bellato turret ) is broken

    Shining hawk III defense is broken. You can literally 1 shot at them with basic skill.
  16. Burak

    Portal buffers are gone

    as the title says right now portal buffers are gone. i dont know if this is a bug or not but i just want to let mid-way staff know
  17. Burak

    Why have Towers no effect on Chip in CW?

    its not a bug. turrets dont do damage on chips
  18. Burak

    Force 65 bellato council armor special effects are not working properly

    tested with bow and gun still not working its a bug
  19. Burak

    Force 65 bellato council armor special effects are not working properly

    i also checked force 50 council armor its the same like 65 one. effects are not working.
  20. Burak

    Force 65 bellato council armor special effects are not working properly

    Force Attack power 35% increase -----> Working Delay of force attack is 2.00 Decrease(sec) -----> Not Working moving speed 1.00 increase -----> Working ( But its not 1.0 , running a little faster while using normal ranger armor ) it will exchange 20.0% of attack damage to HP -----> Not Working...