Search results

  1. Michael Sanchez

    Race Leader

    I just hope they can do something about it. Do you have any idea what level can a character vote?
  2. Michael Sanchez

    Race Leader

    Yes Bellato.I can't see Dedu anywhere. Like the whole time i'm online, I only saw Caxe and some other bellato online. :/ spot wasted.
  3. Michael Sanchez

    Race Leader

  4. Michael Sanchez

    Race Leader

    Some race leaders are inactive. Is there a way for them to not get the spot when they are not going online for more than a month? TIA.
  5. Michael Sanchez

    Type C Hora

    Thanks, Mate! :Drinks:
  6. Michael Sanchez

    Type C Hora

    I combined 2 Hora sickle staffs(45), it just combined them. :Boredom:
  7. Michael Sanchez

    Archon Set Stats

    I wanted to try them all. But it's hella expensive. I only finished the force set. I hope admin can present here the stats per class. :Clapping:
  8. Michael Sanchez

    Type C Hora

    Can we make type C hora weapons? or is it looted from PB?
  9. Michael Sanchez

    Archon Set Stats

    Are there different types of set stats per armor class?
  10. Michael Sanchez

    Hall of Fame(HQ)

    No I don't have. I can't even see people frequently. Haha.
  11. Michael Sanchez


    What about the generators and cartrlla badge I bought using cash? Can I refund them? :To Take Umbrage:
  12. Michael Sanchez

    Hall of Fame(HQ)

  13. Michael Sanchez

    Hall of Fame(HQ)

    Where can I find the HoF NPC and how do I get the hall of fame box?
  14. Michael Sanchez

    What's up Bellato fam?!

    Lol. What's your IGN?
  15. Michael Sanchez

    What's up Bellato fam?!

    Really? I only saw like 2 bells. And a couple of Acc's. Corites? Nah. No sign of life forms. :/
  16. Michael Sanchez

    What's up Bellato fam?!

    Looking forward for a fun war. Still waiting for more players
  17. Michael Sanchez

    Ads suggestions

    Why won't the dev pay ads for facebook? like Indonesia, Thailand, USA, Russia, and Philippines. Usually players find the new RF games from social medias and stuff. Looking forward for the growth of the server! Regards, MEDS
  18. Michael Sanchez

    What's up Bellato fam?!

    Hello! Please do recruit more of your friends here in RF. Mostly in the Bellato Union. Looking forward for more players! Regards, MEDS
  19. Michael Sanchez

    Trade bug

    I was trading ores from my main account to my second account then my main character died. When I teleported back to HQ while i am in a trade, now i can't trade with that character. Help.
  20. Michael Sanchez

    Voting level

    What level can my character vote for an Archon?