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  1. 12PLO

    hahahhahaa ..

    hahahhahaa ..
  2. 12PLO

    Acc only!

    GM, Defend from MAU i think too big, because i hit him 200, 300 what a def XD , and MAU so easy take me down .. do you have calculated the Def and Attack of MAU ?
  3. 12PLO

    Acc only!

    GM , can u make for Repair MAU more expernsive than normal and when destroy , the key gone ? because , when cheaper repair and not gone, its more benefit for bellato.. when u make all standart CCR, make true all standart CCR not one or two sides
  4. 12PLO

    Acc only!

    Im SSSR, Bist du deutscher ? Wenn dein IP richtig aus Deutschland kommt, kannst du deutsch reden oder ? We attacking bellato in elan and NJ because we have reasons. Your RL Zlaya and Heidi attacking firstly my race so my race made report. And we as leader have to make repell. Also you can...
  5. 12PLO

    Elan glitchinbg turrets... like all days

    B*tc* please .. because you are nothing, without zlaya you are nothing you can only talk so much , run and run and say to me noob , in fact actually you are noob .. do you think that i cant hit u with u dodge ? for me your Avo is nothing .. because you dont understand how can play very well...
  6. 12PLO

    Hello from PH

    don't Forget to Support or promot our Server guys in your all social media !! :Biggrin::Biggrin::Biggrin:
  7. 12PLO

    chip war

    don't Forget to Support or promot our Server guys in your all social media !! :Biggrin::Biggrin::Biggrin:
  8. 12PLO

    Server info is drop ?

    don't Forget to Support or promot our Server guys !! :Biggrin::Biggrin::Biggrin:
  9. 12PLO

    May we balance the server ???

    Learn english first bro, your english is really really bad .. Im SSSR, look your gears in your Video, with your gears and your weapon, do you think that u can make me down ? look in your video, you made Bug in MAU using Spear. do you think that with spear make more power in your MAU ? as...
  10. 12PLO

    No PvP in Server

    Whos too low skills ? U putanginamo (that used dual login to online Arween because he has Aura Archon and try to kill me but fail and the Shit happen is you died by my skills more than 2 .. ups 3 times ) or me ? You said that my knowledge lower than animals. When my knowledge "lower than...
  11. 12PLO

    No PvP in Server

    its reality , the damage of mage is too over since last update. we made some test about it. so can say that we have proof. i cant stop laugh too putanginamo Dotar, you (Dotar) probably try to kill me today in War 1 with your Dual Login Arween ( Arween use shield with his Aura follow you, and...
  12. 12PLO

    Server Update [v1.5.3]

    - Fix All Damage and def (you know what i mean) - Fix Trade - Fix map 117 Armory not stuck - Fix Ignot monru Platinum - Change Job no limit in Hero NPC - can you make the Pig Item can be sold at NPC ? like gold weapon - Price of talic too expensive
  13. 12PLO

    No PvP in Server

    i know that mage has strong damage but i feel like damage from Mage is too over. In my WR, i have armor archon +4 full favor (head wisdom) and HP almost 34k in attack mode without shield , you know what happen ? so easily to die. i mean i can die but not so easily like this, like i havent...
  14. 12PLO

    No PvP in Server

    Wanna PVP ? Fix All Damage (especially Mage) Fix Dual Login No Ally with any Race Thanks.
  15. 12PLO

    ooh, Nici ist deutscherin ..

    ooh, Nici ist deutscherin ..
  16. 12PLO


    since the beginning that installed Turrents in Elan and finally create chaos made by luciano from Bellato. He had attacked ACC. we responded by destroying turrents Luciano's. If you will, you can also doing the same thing (destroying the existing tower, if you can). :Help::Help::Help:
  17. 12PLO

    Answer please

    before you give or make a question, please find out it first, if your question has been discussed or not.
  18. 12PLO

    Novus Map

    you talk too much but have little skill. Lose, and accuse using cheat? is really Noob man. you make me laugh lol :Lol::Lol::Lol:
  19. 12PLO

    ACC on the Cheat

    Don't Spaming Posting, make a post with simple Posting but meaningful. Don't like this. you make yourself really looks like Idiot Nobody :Lol::Lol: Loser is Loser. no matter what the reason. here there is a Game Master. he could check whether cheating or not.
  20. 12PLO

    VOTE !

    Don't forget baby to VOTE our RF .. Make much VOTE, so that can our RF have more Players