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  1. Richard Alex

    Re stocks piggy accessories please

    please @admin n Restock the Piggy accessories please.....
  2. Richard Alex

    Hiding while in aggressive mode

    TACTICS? C’mon..i guess hide bug abuse is part of your “TACTICS”
  3. Richard Alex

    Hiding while in aggressive mode

    Martyr quite that day our last come mau overpowered? You make laughing stuff when mau our mau is very squashy and you said it is overpowered?...
  4. Richard Alex

    Hiding while in aggressive mode

    While we are defending our BCC..i encountered cora and accrecia doing some hide while in pvp mode..the first time i encountered this is having pvp with Mrtyr and now Cora and is very hard for AR users because we cannot detect hide while riding our we hit the enemy they...
  5. Richard Alex

    re stacks the golden piggy please

    please @admin restocks the golden piggy accessories please...:)
  6. Richard Alex

    Nice CW guys

    maybe it's a glitch/bug visually..honestly i'm having hardtime also 'clicking' with you guys even you are in front of me and i dunno if it is a bug also...and i abuse just wanting to aim at you hehhehee
  7. Richard Alex

    Nice CW guys

  8. Richard Alex

    Nice CW guys

    Mau is not Op...Mau is very squashy...good job defending you CCC...let's enjoy our pvp becuase me and Mecha are having fun with you even if our Mua blow up...our towerist is not alt..but im having hard time also because my screen freeze..anyways no excuse...
  9. Richard Alex

    Nice CW guys

    Hahaha lol...GG..atleast we dont make the server cw boring...enjoy the time don’t run away.. Cya next the way we don’t bother much about our Cp wether it is negative or add...peace ✌ -Knightz-
  10. Richard Alex

    cant log in

    the server is still offline
  11. Richard Alex

    is there a guide on how to use Enchant cores and etc? [MAU]

    whoa! thank you so much ADMIN <3
  12. Richard Alex

    is there a guide on how to use Enchant cores and etc? [MAU]

    thank you so much admin..what about the enchanted core mantle?
  13. Richard Alex

    is there a guide on how to use Enchant cores and etc? [MAU]

    yeah me too.. i wanna to know how there anyone can help us?
  14. Richard Alex

    Gladiuz, MECHA, KNIGHTZ

    hahaha this is cool!
  15. Richard Alex


    whoa! amazing bro!.. thanks!
  16. Richard Alex

    Chipwar: Cora's Defense (Evening; August 30, 2017)

    GG last night... Knightz here from Bellato..just too many Nuke from your Archon but anyway we lost with no excuse ^_^v Congratz...looking forward for more battle in Cw..Atleast the CW is not boring anymore...cya in the field :) -Knightz-
  17. Richard Alex

    today has been fun

    that was fun Mau blow up twice but it's ok because it was fun... -knightz-
  18. Richard Alex


    cool bro
  19. Richard Alex


  20. Richard Alex

    @admin besides Caliana and burn ash, any other mobs that drop GP?

    @admin besides Caliana and burn ash, any other mobs that drop GP?