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Recent content by alvinhofer

  1. alvinhofer


    Hi Admin, I've been away from home since 2017, and i didn't notice that there are plenty of updates on this server, how can i recover my Characters?Please help me on this matter thanks a lot. My IGN is GunFarmeR and HeavyArms(I can't remember) my login name is alvin99. Hoping for your immediate...
  2. alvinhofer


    I'm back!!! -GunFarmeR / ACC
  3. alvinhofer

    Nice CW guys again :)

    whoa! what server is that?
  4. alvinhofer

    Hiding while in aggressive mode

    try to create a trapper so that u can experience your "Bug Abuse know know"
  5. alvinhofer

    Hiding while in aggressive mode

    It's not an issue my friend. That is what we call TACTICS... pppfff...
  6. alvinhofer

    Hi, is there any chance we will have an event like PB Hunt every weekend? because some players...

    Hi, is there any chance we will have an event like PB Hunt every weekend? because some players are waiting & wanting for it. They got bored and well IDK if they quitted. Hopefully the event will occur often. -GunFarmeR/ACC
  7. alvinhofer

    Hi, is there any chance we will have an event like PB Hunt every weekend? because some players...

    Hi, is there any chance we will have an event like PB Hunt every weekend? because some players are waiting & wanting for it. They got bored and well IDK if they quitted. Hopefully the event will occur often. -GunFarmeR/ACC
  8. alvinhofer

    Hi Admin, when is this Weekend PB event???

    Hi Admin, when is this Weekend PB event???
  9. alvinhofer

    A couple suggestions

    yes and ELEMS from HQ PB'S
  10. alvinhofer


    same here, the RF.exe is not starting... i reinstall it but the problem is still the same
  11. alvinhofer

    Still No Update? No Events? Boring? "Hell YES"

    i want to suggest that, bring the talics back to the NPC just like the old patch, and bring back the HQ PB's elemental drops.
  12. alvinhofer

    "Age of IMBA Mau"

    thats crazy...
  13. alvinhofer


    wow thats insane!
  14. alvinhofer

    Suggestions for PvP server

    Good day RF online, Admins, & Players, 1. Iv'e noticed and think that the Drops from HQ Bosses are not normal, its too hard to get a chance to get Elems Accessories (amulets & rings). 2. Upgrading Elems Accessories (amulets & rings) on HERO NPC has a VERY VERY LOW CHANCE. I spend so much time...
  15. alvinhofer


    Hi,Admin is it posible to open a trade in UTS?